Saturday, May 22, 2010


"Nothing exists for itself alone, but only in relation to other forms of life."  ~ Charles Darwin

While we a still holding our collective breaths, the oil spill has not yet reached our shores. Unfortunately, the well is still spewing thousands of gallons of oil daily into our beautiful Gulf. We've had many friends and family visiting the past several weeks, and we always end up at the seashore. Everyone wants to experience its beauty while they are here, fearful that when  they return, it will be a different experience. 

As I was looking through the lens of my camera, I suddenly noticed the great blue heron walking on the waterline in the corner of the frame. 

I went closer to the water and there he was, slowly strutting in all his glory. I wonder if this is the same heron Barrier Island Girl named 'Alfalfa' in her blog last week?

He stopped shortly and stood quite still enjoying the gentle breezes and the beautiful water. I said a little prayer that he would be around for a long time and not fall victim to the toxic mess that is looming offshore.


  1. "Holding our collective breaths" is so true. Everyday...where is the oil spill now? I hope the little heron stays safe and oil free.

  2. Over here, we get a daily report of the oil spill. Isn't petrol just so nice when we need it and then becomes a nightmare where we don't want it?
    Your shots are beautiful. The heron is majestic.

  3. HA! These herons are real characters, aren't they? I just love getting photos of them.

    Great shots!

  4. I hope and wish from the bottom of my heart that your gulf and seashore are safe from the toxic mess for always. I wish for you to enjoy that beauty always and whenever you return at the seashore your experience being more beautiful than the previous one. And of course, to share this beauty with us through your beautiful photos! :-)
    Wonderful photos that you posted!

  5. Sharon: Me too.

    Ciel: Maybe some day we'll lesson our dependence on petrol. But it will take an universal culture change. What are the odds?

    BIG: They are funny little creatures. My 'heron' file justs gets bigger and bigger.

    Meda: Thank you so much for your kind words and concern. I'll continue to take pictures, even if they chronicle the nightmare of this spill. But hopefully, I'll be able to photograph our beautiful coast for years to come.

  6. I pray your prayer for the heron is answered. And I loved listening to the version of "Dance Me to the End of Love" on your playlist.


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